Beer Money Games was at Road America again for the Champcar Series fall race. On day 1 we had a host of issues, from swapping out to the old school carburetor, having to hold the shifter in 3rd so it wouldn’t pop out, to a driver flat spotting all 4 tires going into turn one! But we didn’t look at in a bad way, we decided to turn day 1 into our test day, and be ready for day 2 and be strong.
It was Halloween time too, so many of the teams dressed up and gave out treats to all the visiting kids, we picked a vintage theme to go with our vintage car!
Day 2, we were awesome! The car still had a 3rd gear vibration, but manageable, I noticed that the car was just as fast lugging it out in 4th gear as I was shifting twice in the same section. I made en effort to shift less, but not all drivers shared my strategy. With 30 minutes left of the race, we were leading our class by well over a lap and 3rd place overall. Then 3rd gear broke and the shifter came off the transmission. We were done.
It was a good race weekend, but bummed we didn’t come home with another trophy.